The conference theme "Promoting Positivity - Re-Thinking our Future" intends to express that Positive Psychology not only aims to explore and promote positive experiences, actions and qualities in individuals, but also in social groups, organizations and ultimately; in the society as a whole. “Promoting positivity” is not a headword here! It is program as it contains a necessary action plan for facing and approaching most of today’s problems in the world. We have to reorient our thinking in not only the areas of climate change, migration, terrorism and the like, but above all in developing and promoting positivity in all areas of human existence. We have to put positivity into the center of our attention in all areas of human life starting with the individual level over our core social relationships and groups such as partnership, family and friendships to larger social units such as schools, the workplace, universities and organizations. To discuss this, as well as the associated mechanisms, is a central task of this conference.
We invite all of you who are involved in research and practice in Positive Psychology and its neighboring fields to participate in the conference by submitting symposia, papers, posters, workshops and structured discussions from all fields of Positive Psychology. We expect contributions to positive-psychological fundamental research and theory building, to the development of instruments and diagnostic procedures, to psychological and psychobiological mechanisms, as well as to applied positive psychology (positive-psychological interventions) in the fields of work and economy, health, prevention and therapy and counselling, as well as education and technology.
In particular, we would like to invite students and young scientists to submit their papers and present them at the conference. Research thrives on the ideas and activities of young scholars and scientists. However, we also invite practitioners to present workshops at the pre-conference in order to pass on their knowledge and skills to other practitioners and interested parties. The conference will offer a platform to share insights, discuss and deepen knowledge from research and practice and from basic and applied research.
We are looking forward to getting many contributions from this colorful broad approach called Positive Psychology.